Anypoint Platform Release and Maintenance Window
Scheduled Maintenance Report for US1-Gov - Anypoint Platform
The scheduled maintenance has been completed.
Posted Jun 11, 2024 - 16:56 PDT
In progress
Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.
Posted Jun 11, 2024 - 15:00 PDT
We will be undergoing scheduled maintenance during this time.
Posted May 24, 2024 - 14:51 PDT
GOV: On Tuesday, June 11, 2024 between 3PM and 8PM PDT (6PM - 11PM EDT, 10PM - 3AM UTC)

New/Enhanced Feature Releases

Bug fixes & back-end performance enhancement releases

Customer Impacting / Downtime Announcement(s)

***ATTENTION: up to 2 hours of service interruption is expected during this maintenance window.***

We will be performing database maintenance.
*** Service Impact Details:
** Applications:
- Anypoint Monitoring
During Maintenance Downtime:
- Anypoint Monitoring might not be available during downtime

***ATTENTION: up to 15 minutes of service interruption is expected for the following***

We will be performing a scheduled upgrade of an internal Access Management database.
*** Service Impact Details:
** Applications:
- Access Management
- Help Center
During maintenance downtime, the following may fail:
- API calls to Access Management
- Logging into Anypoint Platform
- Creating or updating organizations
- Inviting or updating users
- Creating or updating teams
- Creating or updating environments
- Configuring or updating multi-factor authentication
- Configuring or updating identity providers
- Creating or updating connected apps
- Creating access tokens
- Authorizing permissions and resources
- Authenticating clients and access tokens
- Getting organization information

- Getting user profiles
- Anypoint MQ: If an existing token expires, the MQ Connector may experience HTTP 5XX errors for a few minutes, particularly if Access Management returns 5XX errors during the upgrade.
- Mule Gateway: There may be errors in customer logs and disconnections, but gateways will continue serving traffic.
Following maintenance downtime
- Access Management will function as usual
- Help Center will function as usual

Additionally, the following services may be impacted and in degraded states during this change. It is recommended that customers treat the following services as degraded during this window:
- AMF Service
- Anypoint Metering
- Anypoint Monitoring
- Anypoint MQ
- API Designer
- API Manager
- API Mocking Service
- API Monitoring Center
- Audit Log
- Object Store V2
- Runtime Manager
- Visualizer
Posted May 24, 2024 - 14:31 PDT
This scheduled maintenance affected: Anypoint Management Center (Access Management, API Manager, Runtime Manager, Audit Log), Object Store v2 (Object Store v2 - Stats - us-gov-west-1, Object Store v2 - Service - us-gov-west-1), Anypoint MQ (Anypoint MQ - Admin - us-gov-west-1, Anypoint MQ - Stats - us-gov-west-1, Anypoint MQ - Broker - us-gov-west-1), Anypoint Monitoring Suite (Anypoint Monitoring, Anypoint Visualizer), Design Center (API Designer, Mocking Service), and MuleSoft Help Center.